Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What are some benefits and challenges with using a microblog such as Facebook, Twitter, or Linked In, especially as a tool to engage and develop your personal/professional network? If you have experience using microblogs, describe how you have used these tools to engage and develop your personal/professional network. If you do not have experience, explain what has prevented you from using them.

Despite the websites increasing popularity I have yet to dive into the world of Twitter, however, I have a general idea as to how it works. On the contrary, i have had quite a bit of experience with Facebook and I can say that I have been witness to ways that it may be used positively as well as negatively. This interactive blog is a great tool to stay connected with friends and family regardless of where they live so long as they have access to the internet. For example, last week I had the opportunity to re-connect with a girl I dated back in high school almost 10 years ago, it was great to hear from her and learn what she was doing with her life now and where she was living. That alone should prove to be a great benefit, however, my current girlfriend is able to access my page and can see who has posted to my page, similarly, she can see whose page i have posted too. Knowing this, she immediately became suspicious of this new found friend and it sparked an unnecessary argument between us. In a professional environment Facebook can have the same type of impact. I can remember a few years back I was applying for a job as a bartender at a nightclub back home, the manager of the club asked "how many friends do you have on Facebook"? Essentially, he was trying to get an idea as to how many new customers I could help bring into the bar, this was obviously a positive impact since it was likely the main reason I was accepted for the position. However, I can think of a time not to long ago with my current employer where a co-worker called in because she was "sick", however, she is friends on Facebook with my manager and the night before she was posting several pictures and making comments about the bar she had gone to the night prior. Needless to say, my manager had a lengthy conversation with her when she returned to work the following day.


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