Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Post two microblogs on the topic of podcasting. Select two out of the following list and describe in 140 characters or less for each post: · Suggest a blog or video that offers a how-to guide to podcasting. What did you like about the blog or video? · Suggest a podcast that features a how-to guide to podcasting. What did you like about the podcast? · Suggest a free podcast hosting service. What did you like about the podcast hosting service? · Suggest a site that offers free podcast aggregation. What did you like about this site? · Suggest a site, podcast, or video that provides communication advice. What did you like about your choice? · What are some ways podcasts can be used in professional settings? Why/when would podcasting be the appropriate new media tool to communicate the information? Discuss ways podcasts can establish credibility in the workplace. · Add links to both of your microblog posts.

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